Saturday, 7 April 2007

Stamina, gotta have stamina!

It is 1.15am and I am trying to get Isaac to sleep without giving him a bottle. Do you know how hard it is to listen to your baby cry and know that the best thing is to let him? He isn't screaming and he isn't pulling a full on tantrum. He just cries a little then stops, cries a little then stops. It has been a while and I go in and give him a cuddle every few minutes but as soon as I put him back in bed he starts up again, I feel this could be a long night. So here I am on my blog passing the time in the middle of the night. I hope I get a sleep in in the morning! Only problem with that is the in-laws are coming tomorrow and I need to vacuum, plus Steve is planning on playing a round of golf early in the morning.

But on a nicer note here are a few photos taken recently of my gorgeous boys!

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