Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Blog challenge #31 Movie Monday

Lisa's challenge at today. We all know how movies can really shape our lives, especially for me at a very tender age and today we're going to talk about a specific movie experience

I want you all to talk about a movie that scared the BEJEEZIZ out of you when you were little. What was it that freaked you out. Can you watch it as an adult today? Is it still a "banned" movie in your home.

THE OMEN!!! I guess I wasn't all that young but I don't remember anyhing really scary from when I was all that young. But to this day I can't stand the names Damion, Damon or anything like that! And yes it is 'banned' in this house. Wasn't there a re make recently? Nope won't be seeing that either!!!


Patrice~ said...

Although I didn't see the movie, I never could stand to hear the name 'Damien' either!

Lisa said...

That movie was just disturbing. The thought of a child being that evil...gives me the willies. I still like to believe in the innocence of youth.

Shandy said...

yeah.. don't think i'll be seeing that one! eeeks!

All Blog Spots said...

nice blog

Ilka said...

Oh no I cannot watch horrors, half the time I cant watch the screen the other half I apparently squeeze the life out of Rainers hand;p