Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Blog challenge #28 Movie Monday

Even though it is now Tuesday night here, LOL.

Lisa has asked us to blog about our favourite or most memorable home movie. Well mine has to be the 2 movies of Steve dressed up as a GIRL. Yes you read that right. A few years ago, in fact before we were an item, our Church had annual talent nights. The first time Steve, our minister and 4 other male friends dressed up as ballerinas and danced the sugar plum fairy....hilarious! Picture this, 6 men in tutu's, singlets and sneakers and long socks. White bodies and knobbly knees, prancing around the stage with a huge lack of grace! In the end there is a pile of bodies with men rising from the rubble with pain in there faces. Another year Steve and myself plus some other good friends did a dance thing to Grease, the catch was that the girls were the boys and the boys were the girls. So Steve got to be Sandy and another tall friend was Danny. Steve even wore a bra with socks stuffed in it. There is Steve in a pretty apricot skirt, white tee, and a pretty ribbon in his shoulder length locks, yes it was the era of boys with long hair back then, it was the 80's!!! Tim with a tight skirt and aloof attitude and Norm as sweet as ever in his floofy skirt. The girls got the easy end of the stick, jeans, tees and baseball caps and leather jackets. It was sooooo much fun and I always have a good laugh when we watch it....which reminds me we haven't watched it for a while!.......off to find the video......

P.S new friends always have to be shown these, even if Steve doesn't want them to!


Patrice~ said...

Tutu funny, Yvette!!

Lisa said...

I'm staging a campaign for you to upload these to Youtube....they sound too good NOT to share with general public!

Jenny said...

Just popping by to say hello - I'll come back later and read the rest ....PI Jenny