So my baby boy is growing up. Some things Isaac can do at 2:
Blow candles out.
Blow party blowers
Sing "Happy Birthday To You"
Open presents almost by himself
Sleep in a big boy bed (we didn't take the sides off the cot a couple of weeks ago, but DID today and he LOVES it!)
Stay at Grandad and Grandmas and stay asleep all night. And Grandma said it was just about the easiest baby sitting they have ever done.
Jump with 2 feet off the ground.
"Run, fast" saying it while running fast!
Turn the TV on and off.
Give wonderful cuggles and kisses!
Dance while wiggling his whole body. Looks so cute with his shoulder wiggles!
And many, many more.
Here is the birthday boy with his main present. Doesn't Dad look great in the back ground in his dressing gown and shoes LOL.

Isaac and his friend Finley

Isaac loved getting Iggle Piggle from Tobyns friend. Tobyn also gave hime Makka Pakka. Steve was not happy about Iggle Piggle, he says it will give him nightmares LOL!!!

Fee, what do you think of the theme? The theme was Elmo. I had great plans of cutting out the shape of Elmos face and icing it. But...I failed to get the right food clouring on Friday. A little bit difficult to make Elmo without the black! So I came up with the brilliant idea of just icing the cake red and putting a printout of Elmo on top. I plan on making a mask out of the print out later. The main thing is that Isaac loved it!

Before today Isaac didn't know how to blow. It didn't take him long to learn and he then wanted us to keep lighting the candles so he could blow them out.

And the new found skill of blowing came in handy for the party blowers.

It was disappointing that of the 5 children invited only 1 turned up! Vivi's Mum is 7 months pregnant and at least she called to say she didn't feel up to it plus the girls had yucky noses. As for the others I didn't even get phone calls. I know I was keeping it small and told them it was just a quiet party and it would be cool if they could come. But no courtesy call? What is the world coming to?
But we had a ton of fun without them. Finleys sisters were there and 2 of Tobyns friends. And Isaac had a ball!!! His 3 big cousins came for dinner and he was spoilt with more In the Night Garden things and a Goofy soft toy. I think he was pretty happy!
I will leave the rest of the weekend for another post. And I want to tell you all about his time in the Neo Natal unit but that can wait as well. Enjoy these wonderful photos of my adorable 2 year old. (Mum I will try and print some off for you ;)
great idea to write down what he can do at 2. Love the cake what a great idea. Wow that main pressie is way cool. Have to agree thats pretty rude not to get phone calls, thier loss!
I agree with Janine, that was rude. But nevertheless the party looked like heaps of fun. I'm sure Isaac didnt mind, hat with that way cool cake and the fantastic presents!
Happy Birthday, Isaac!! Looks like he had a great day and a fun party. I think it's terribly rude that so many people didn't turn up without even ringing you! I don't understand how people can do that!
But like Ilka said, I'm sure Isaac didn't mind :-)
Awesome cake, and great idea to use a print out, and it will have another use later on.
Also very cool to see another child who loves Iggle Piggle as much as my boy!! LOL at the nightmares ...
Hehe wicked birthday cake Yettie - you're never too young, or old for an Elmo cake - I had one for my 21st lol!
Speaking of Elmo - I'll have to sort my parents out and pop round one day to give Isaac our pressies ;)
Happy birthday Isaac. And yay Yvette on getting through another year. Love the cake. Too cool. Did you know you can buy black colour? I had it for a penquin we made last year!
Happy Birthday, Isaac! It was not very polite of those other parents not to phone you
Hi Yvette!
I just got around to checking back in with your blog. I love the update on Isaac's b'day--especially the part about learning to blow out his candles and his b'day whistlemathingy. We'll be there next year to eat some cake and make a fuss of him. So looking forward to it!
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