Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Finally some photos

I promised some photos from our week at the lake house. Yes it is Taupo, but not the town, a different part of the lake. Nice to be a bit away from the crowds!

I could not believe that I didn't get any photos of Tobyn in the Kayak :( This one shows Isaac trying to escape. He loved being in the Kayak but didn't like getting his bum wet, so funny.

Here Isaac is with Thomas, Isaac ADORES him! When Isaac saw the boys had lay their towels on the ground he thought they should be sleeping. So here he is sleeping with Thomas.

Tobyn helped me cook spaghetti and meatballs one night. Here he is browning them. Isaac wanted to get up as well and he got the stool and pushed it over to the bench. I let him up just so I could get the photo, LOL.

Isaac loves putting shoes on at the moment. It is a sign to him that he can go outside. Here he has Grandads shoes on and is longingly waiting at the door.

I was inspired to write the following memory from Trina's blog, thanks Trina for getting me to think about writing it.

When we were travelling home from Taupo we had 2 cars so Tobyn went with Steve and Isaac was with me. Isaac didn't like Tobyn being in the other car, it was almost as if he was missing a limb. He sat very quietly with quite a glum look on his face. When we stopped and he could see his buddy he was happy, but as soon as we had to get back on the road again he was back to his glum self. We stopped in Bulls for dinner and Tobyn decided he would come in the car with me. Isaac couldn't have been happier and chatted away to Tobyn as if he hadn't seen him for weeks and weeks. Their relationship is so special I hope it always stays that way with the large age difference! I love watching their relationship grow, it makes my heart melt.

This was the week of haircuts in the Gregory house. Tobyn and I were desperate for cuts and I was desperate for a colour. I knew it had been a while but Gemma, my hairdresser told me I hadn't been in since June 16th, WOAH, that was before we went to Oz!!! No wonder I had so much grey. So I went yesterday. I was really looking forward to having some relaxing time in the hairdressers chair without any children. When I got hold of my sister to look after Isaac she said she had just booked herself in for a haircut too, so I had to take Isaac with me for part of it until she was able to come and get him. Isaac was so good, I think because he was so overwhelmed by the noise etc. When Annie arrived he was more than ready to leave! Then I was able to totally relax and enjoy the rest of my time there. I always love having my hair done because it always looks so good after, the only time every 8 weeks. When Isaac saw me he he didn't want to look at me! He really doesn't like change. I said something about Aunty at one point and he said 'No, not Aunty' funny boy.

So today the boys got their hair cut. I have been cutting Isaac's hair and making a hash of it. I thought it was time to get Gemma to tidy it up. Tobyn was first and good as always and then came Isaac's turn. He was really great. Gemma did it as fast as possible and now my baby looks like a big boy.

When we got home I wanted to take some photos. For once Tobyn was actually co-operative and I got some nice shots.

Til next time, ttfn


Anonymous said...

Great holiday snaps, and photos of your boys (haircuts look good!)

I think it's wonderful that your boys have such a close bond.

Anonymous said...

Fab photos, had to chuckle at the kayak one of Isaac with the butt up! So cute!
Great to see your boys get along so well!I think age difference can work out as a plus too. One of my fav memories is about how much fun it was having my sister visit me when I was at varsity ( I'm 5 years older)and taking her everywhere and she loved it too and it's still one of her special memories too.

Jenny said...

They are gorgeous boys, Yvette, you can be very proud of them

Mrs Frizz said...

Gorgeous pics - right wee cutie patooties ... very scrappable!!!!