This old beat up cupboard was left by the owner in Steve's 1st house. It has seen us move 4 times. We had great intentions of painting it many times but as it lived in the garage it was never a priority. Then it became the height chart for Tobyn. Disappointingly Steve found bora in it a couple of weeks back so it had to go. But I had to take a photo and transfer the measurements onto a piece of card so we can transfer it onto a more long lasting height chart. Steve and Tobyn had fun bashing it about to fit it in the bin. It was absolutely riddled with bora, quite amazing it was still standing!

Tobyn had a pre season cricket morning and loved it! Being a pretty unsporty kid it is great to have him enjoying a summer and winter sport! Saturday noght he was going to stay at his friends house. Ethan phoned earlier than planned and said Tobyn could come over any time. I had said he had to tidy his room before he could go, and it took 3 inspections before it was to my satisfaction, tough Mummy!
So Saturday afternoon and evening and all day Sunday it was just Steve, Isaac and I. We couldn't believe how much more we could get done without him there LOL.
Isaac wanted to 'help' Daddy out in the garden and he enjoyed going down the hill and falling on his bottom. He would walk backwards, deliberately fall down and say ouch and then laugh and do it all over again.
I spent alot of time in the garage sorting out boxes that came out of the old cupboard. One box that was on top of the cupboard had quilting material, polystyrine shapes some with sequins in and other craft things. The cat had made this his box. He had chewed the top and started to chew the polystyrine balls, grrr. I then moved onto the computer cupboard and front bedroom. The plan was to make the front room my scrap space/guest bedroom. But I had to move some things first. Steve had told me that the old computer tabel that was in the front room would fit into the cupboard. So I spent a couple of hours clearing a book case and computer desk only to find out that the desk would not fit in the cupboard *argh* So change of plans. We still bought the old dining table into the front room, moved the single bed into Isaacs room, put the computer desk back into that room, moved Tobyns boxes of imaginext into his wardrobe, moved his old storage containers in to the front bedroom wardrobe and now I have to sort everything out so I can actually scrap in there. It will be great once I have it all organised. We need to decide what we are going to do with the computer desk because we have a sofa bed coming for that front room.
Look at my boy. He looks so grown up! I took this photo on Sunday and I love it, apart from the windblown hair.

It is so hard to believe that this time 2 years ago I was being hospitalised in the hope that we could get to 36 weeks before having to deliver the baby. In a couple of days I will blog more about the whole ordeal but this is a week of remembering fro me. We re so lucky that Isaac is healthy and that I am alive it was not an easy time. But look at what we have to show for it, a gorgeous, spunky, healthy boy!
And on the note of big boys, he slept in a big boy bed for part of last night!!! Stave went into him in the middle of the night (normally my job, bless him) but he needed to got the the loo so he put Isaac down on the single bed. When he went back in to put him in the cot Isaac was having none of it, he wanted to stay in the big bed. Steve put some pillows on the floor and we hoped he wouldn't fall out. When he woke this morning and I went in to him he was sitting in the middle of the bed, a HUGE grin on his face and pointing at all the animals ion the duvet cover, too cute! Steve has a job after work....taking the cot down and making it into the bed. My baby is growing up, 2nd birthday looming next Monday.
What a busy weekend! I feel tired just reading about it, LOL.
Love the photo of Isaac, and well done to him on being ready for a big boy bed!! Big milestone. Ethan moved to a bed just before he was 2 as well, but we didn't move Tyler to a bed until he was almost 3!! I think because he is such a live-wire, I just liked having a place where I could contain him, ROFL!
It sounds like a very busy weekend. WTG Isaac in a big bed!
Wow, what a busy weekend! Go you guys! Love the photo windswept hair and all! And way to go on the big boy bed. So cool. Such a big step. Hope you're ok?! LOL.
Sounds like you got heaps done over the weekend! I love that windswept hair on Isaac's photo.
And isn't it amazing when the kids themselves decide they are ready for the next move eg bigger bed.
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