A busy weekend here for us! Tobyn has had a very busy week with dance rehearsals and I have had a busy week as taxi driver! Last night was the telling moment for the work he has put in. As you may be able to tell from the previous post, Tobyn isn't too keen on having people watch him. He used to be fine but from around the age of 7 he has not liked it at all. So I wasn't sure how he would go in the dance show. But he shone! He got out there and danced his heart out and did everything really well. Unfortunately he did miss one dance because he didn't get changed fast enough, but we have that sorted for today, so I should get to see him in both his dances. Now I just hope that we can convince him that it would be a good idea to carry on dacncing in some way. I know it waon't be The Jazz Elemeatary 1 class, but maybe boys club or hip hop? It is awesome at his studio that they encourage the boys so well. Dean, the owner and 1 of 3 male teachers is so good with the boys. Tobyn has a natural talent but not the passion yet. Maybe in a few years time he will realise what a gift he has? My Mum let me stop dancing when I was 5 and I wish she had pushed me to continue. Mum, I know you did what was right at the time so don't take this as me thinking you were wrong. But I guess that is partly why I don't want Tobyn to give up yet, he might regret it in the future.
Today was pet and craft day. Steve spent all morning cooking 200 sausages, deffinately did his part and got to know some other parents a little better which is great. Tobyn, Isaac and I got to enjoy a pancake breakfast, courtesy of the some of the teachers.
Last night and this morning Tobyn work on his vegetable creation. He hoped he could get first this year after placing 2nd last year. This year he did more of it himself, he chose all the veges and put it all together. The only guidance and help we gave him was with tthe creation he was going to do. He wanted to make a village with grape people. We thought this would be too much hard work with the dance show as well. So he made a dragon, scales and all! And he WON. He is so proud. Tobyn also took his cat Apollo for the pet parade. They got asked about there cat and how they looked after it etc and Tobyn won best presented cat. And Apollo got a lovely silver and blue ribbon. So nioce to be able to add more certificates to the wall of acievement in our house!

I think Isaac is going to have an outdoor career. He was totally in his element among the lambs and calves!

Righto, gotta go wash the floor that Steve spilt milo powder all over and get ready for the show this afternoon, Ciao for now.
Fantastic achievements! I can understand you being a very proud mama and wanting Tobyn not to give up the dancing either
What a few fab days you have had as a family, appollo included!! Love the dragon. I am impressed that there are 3 male teachers at his dance studio because I think they need role models like that and to recognise that dancing is cool!!
Congrats to Tobyn - firstly on the dancing, and secondly on that vege dragon! I know what you mean about not wanting him to give up dancing. I'm so grateful that my mum pushed me to keep going with my piano lessons ... it didn't take long for me to find the passion and if I'd quit when I wanted to (around age 8) I would really regret it.
Hip hop sounds like a great option, perhaps he'll find some passion when he discovers the genre he loves! I am keen to get Tyler into hip hop. I think the classes here start at age 4, so perhaps next year.
Woa Tobyn did fantastic! You must be one very very proud Mum! Hope you find some dancing class/style that Tobyn enjoys.
Hiya! I think I left a comment a while back, but just wanted to let you know I am still reading and still love your blog. Your pictures are great, and you have some gorgeous children.
My little one goes to Hip Hop (or has been I should say) but the school has now moved, so her creative talent has been quashed. Keep up the good work!!
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