I have been working on a layout that is taking longer than I had hoped. It is using photos from back in 1997 way before digital cameras in our house. So I am working with 3, 6x4 photos on a double 6x12 layout. I am getting there but it has been challenging.
So my photo for today is in the spirit of Waitangi Day. This lovely koru stone sculpture is one of 2 we have sitting by our front door. They were Steve's 40th b'day present from his parents.

Isaac is saying some very cute things at the moment. His language is so amazing for his age, well I think it is anyway. He counts "1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10" He tries to say the alphabet but misses ALOT. He sings about 4 songs/nursery rhymes all the way through. But the cutest things at the moment is that he is trying to figure out the world around him and especially how it relates to him e.g. while driving in the car he will say "Mum, is that my car, is that my house, is that my truck" or "hey is that truck a truck, is that bus a bus" or "hey I hear a plane, Mum do you hear a plane?" and likes looking at photos and asks lots of questions "is that Tobyn, who's that Mama, is that me?" and just tonight he said "that my sausage, Isaacs, me, mine" and the way he says it is just too darn cute, I wish I could keep it forever.
And lastly I will leave you with this comment from him
"Is that the moon,(pointing at the sun) pop, caterpillar hungry"
I am sure you all know where he learnt that one.
It's hard to scrap those non-digital photos, huh? I have TONS waiting to be done (I have to, otherwise Ethan will have no layouts of him before age 2, LOL).
Isaac sounds like a VERY smart little boy! You should be proud!
And they say english is a hard language to learn. Go Isaac - very cute.
love the koru stone sculptures.....it's quite an exciting time when they are working out the world around them. Those are some of the things that make great mini albums.
Love the koru sculpture ... looks stunning.
And yep, listening to a child's chatter for the most part -lol - can be a wonderful experience. They are little sponges soaking everything up.
Really like your koru sculptures. And I can only imagine how cute it must be hearing a running commentary from your little man! Hope you get the LO finished the way you want it to.
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