Isn't it funny what the weather can do to you too? I am working on a layout which has snow in it!
Tobyn had a better day today. Thank you for all your kind thoughts and comments. The hardest thing for Tobyn is that these kids are supposed to be his friends. I spoke to his teacher this morning to let her know about theincident but also just to touch base and tell her I was impressed with the stuff he bought home last night. She is going to be a great teacher! Easy to talk to, open and honest, and great with the kids. Tobyn will have to really have to put head down bum up this year, but I know he can cope and we will support him all the way.
I made Isaac a lunch box up this morning and he thought it was very cool. It means that he isn't constantly whining at me to go into the cupboard. He can choose when he wants to eat his snacks, sandwiches and fruit. If he eats all the favourites first well tough bikkies honey. Right now everything is finished and tea is on the way but he has just started to nag me, hmm maybe I need to put a couple of extras in tomorrow. We will see how it goes.
I have a meeting tonight so the year starts with a bang! Have a lovely evening everyone and I will be back tomorrow. I am actually really enjoying blogging every day, especially when I have a photo to talk to as well.
I was like you pleased to have some rain and cooler weather after all this hot hot weather. But now I am over cold weather and hope it bids farewell soon as winter is the weather for this not summer lol.
Wow, is it cold in some places at the moment?? Not here! Although tonight it is not quite as muggy as previous nights. Still warm though.
Love the idea of giving Isaac a lunchbox, I hope it does the trick!
Yeah - daily blogging is not so bad after all! And the cold ... I had to dig my cardi out! Hope it warms up for the weekend.
What a great idea with the lunch box I will have to keep this in mind for the future .....
Like Hannah we can't get over how cold you must be feeling, I am more than a little envious LOL I like the cold ....weird aye!!
Hope today is warmer and better at school for your little man, it sounds like he has a great teachers and I am so glad you can talk to her, good on you to for being approaching her about the sitiuation to, well done !! :)
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