Isaac and I had a good day filled with groceries, cleaning, lunch, Little Einsteins, a sleep (for Isaac not me!) reading and then picking Tobyn up. All morning Isaac kept saying "where's Tobyn" he does miss him!
My day 4 photo....
This is what we had for dinner tonight. Fajitas, yummo.

So....I am frustrated with blogger. It is great for everything except replying to comments. So many times I would like to personally reply to some of the comments I get but..alas not possible. So I need some help, because you are all so great at these technical things. I would like to know what I do with my stuff on here if I change blog provider? I want to archive this blog somehow. Does anyone know?
Thank you all for your lovely comments in the last couple of posts!
Janine/angelgurl, thank you for the positive vibes. Sometimes it just helps to know people believe in you.
Ilka, Kaila and family have not yet decided what part of Auckland they are going to live in. They know that they could afford to buy in Pukekohe but it is a long commute for Glen. Their other option is to rent in either St. Johns or Ellerslie. They move up on Monday and will have a couple of months to have a good look around and decide what they will do.
Janine W you are so sweet and thank you for the lovely comment about my photos! And my condolences to you and thanks for your wisdom.
Kelly, my Mum gave me whole lot of photos of me in early years when I saw her last. it is good to have them and funny to look at them!
Hannah thanks for the faith!
Beverly, 17 is way too young to die!!! That would be one of my biggest fears for my children! My brother died at 18. Not from cancer, but I saw what my Mum went through, and is still going through many years later. In many ways I wonder if this was part of the cause of my parents relationship being torn apart.
Righto, gotta go spend time with my darling. We don't have many nights where we deliberately spend time with each other and tonight is it. So that means, no computer, no reading, no scrap booking, but maybe we might watch a movie and snuggle on the couch.
glad to hear Tobyns day went 'ok', shame about other kids who just can't get it into their heads about teasing. Have a nice night with your other half.
if you need some wordpress help I can help you out. With wordpress you can bring over your posts from here and take them with you all with the press of one button. Let me know if you want some help. Grr at teasing. Dinner looked great too. I encourage everyone to follow thier dreams after all I am about to turn 38 and changed career directions last year after thinking it would never happen. So your one word is create and you can create your future.....believe in yourself cos you have a lot of readers on here belive in you.
Like Janine says, you can switch to WordPress really easily, and all your old posts can come with you! It's super easy, and I'm sure you'll like WP. I know I prefer it to Blogger!
That makes me angry about the teasing. How am I going to deal with this over the next few years? Some kids are just so mean. Poor Tobyn! I hope he is learning not to let those things bother him. Easier said than done, I know. But it would suck to give those morons the pleasure of knowing they had upset him. Tell him to be strong!! And keep reading whatever books he wants!!
So sorry to hear about Tobyn being teased at school! I used to have exactly the same thing. Unfortunatly if the bullie's can't see something straight off to tease about they make something of nothing or make something up! I really hope that it does get better! He is an awesome kid!
Your dinner looks yummy! Would love the recipie!
Sounds like a lovely day with Isaac!
That makes me very sad that your boy was teased about Rick's book! Our son Patrick, 9 years, came home from school in tears the other day because one of his classmates teased him about bumping into a tree. He realizes that he isn't the only one being teased but that doesn't make it much better. Please tell Tobyn that the Riordans say "stay strong young hero!"
Best regards,
Becky Riordan (Rick's wife)
Sorry to hear about the teasing, but yes, I remember I ran an afterschool care program and got to observe a lot of kids daily and the less a kid reacts to being teased the least he gets teased. But it was very hard to teach those kids that reacted to stay calm and unimpressed. But with time it got better.
To Kaila and the long driving...driving from Puke into Auckland isnt too bad really, heaps of people commute. Rainer drives into Penrose each day from Waiuku. And Puke is a lovely friendly place to live in, got that small town feel to it. So I wish Kaila and her family good luck with house hunting wherever they might decide to live.
Yum love Fajitas!
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