Now onto day 3 of Janine's 29 night challenge. I was going to try and not have photo's of my kids in this challenge but this was just too cute not to use. Isaac pulling a silly face. copying the boy in the book. This is the first time he has actually tried to copy the silly face.

I have been busy doing layouts this weekend. Any spare moment I have had I scrapped, oh what bliss. And I have to say I am pleased with the results. Both these layouts are for challenges at Scrapbook Essentials
This one is for the fortnightly sketch challenge. This was a cool sketch. I have used almost all an old line of basic grey, color me silly.

The 2nd one is for the Friday night challange at SE Megan gave us a choice to go back to a previous challange we haven't done. Well I had a lot of scope because I haven't done any since the big ultimate scrapper challange! So this one was to use a photo of yourself or DH as a baby/toddler/child or teen. I used a photo of me when I was 13. You also had to use embroidery thread, buttons and a template. I LOVE how the layout turned out. Another one for my BOM.

Tobyn is back at school tomorrow and I think he has had too much fun, he doesn't want to go back.
We have been to a 67th b'day party this evening. It was a big affair. All 4 of Jennifer's children were there and it was so cool for her. She has been fighting breast cancer for a few years now and she could really go down hill any day now. So to have all of her children home was so cool for her. I have been friends with her eldest. Norman, since we were 18, so it was great to see him for the first time in about 5 years. Norm and Roddy live in Manchester, Kath in Melbourne and Eileen in Auckland. Unfortuantely the next time they get together maybe for Jennifers funeral. As someone else said on a blog recently, Cancer is a Bitch! I don't normally talk like that but it is the best way to describe it for me right now. I have not had to see a family member or a friend have to deal with this horrific thing. Jennifer my prayers and thoughts are with you and your special family.
I am glad the night went well. I think we all get a bit jittery when we are confronted out of our comfort zones. So well done for giving it a go. Now that course sounds great so maybe you need to keep it on the backburner for now or look at some other ways to make your dream of photography happen. If you want something bad enough you can make it happen....this will happen for you Yvette. Sending you good vibes. As for the "c" word there are no right words to say but my thoughts are with your friend and her family at this time.
Pleased to hear the farewell went well, hope you can sort something out about your photography course. I love that photo of Isaac, we had that book, and the kids loooooooved it.
You should definitely try and follow your photography dreams! I believe in you!
Gorgeous layouts, I especially love the first one with the BG papers!
Good to hear the farewell went so well. Is Kaila moving to Pukekohe?
Hope you find a way to realize your photography dream course. It's a gorgeous photo of Isaac and so are the LO's.
I've been looking at photography courses too. I'm with you on the cancer thing too - I wouldn't normally talk like that either but when you see a bright 17 year old taken down by leukaemia after he beat it once - it's just not fair! Thinking of Jennifer and her family.
Yep I am with you def go for the photography and I reckon from what I have seen there is some talent there :) Stay with your dreams and go for it!!
Georgous pic of your wee man too funny I am trying to keep away from photos of moo to.
Thinking of you and your friend and her childern, just please be there for them, I have recently watched my mum die and it is not easy in the months that come after, Massive hugs and understanding to you, your friend and all her family. Be strong, we are all here for you too xoxo
Great lo's, love the bom one.
Cool pic of your babe pulling faces.
Glad to hear that your night went Ok... it's alway a relief isn't it?
Such a cutie-patootie your little fella... I can see why you wanted that pic!
Love your layouts too. Must try and find some early pics of me... I don't think I have any here...
I just love that photo of Isaac reading....oh so cute! Like the others i am so glad that your night went well! I know how I have felt when I have gone out with a group and not known many people.
Okay ... your 'plop' layout is just sensational ... love it.
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