I thought I would try and photograph the 'activities' Tobyn picks out of the box, bit with much success! Tobyn really has to be in the mood for photos and when I tried to get this one he tried to hide in Isaac's tunnel. But I took the photo anyway and photo shopped it to take away some of the blueness, it looks OK, I guess as good as I am going to get with Tobyn sometimes.
So as you can see he drew out 'get an ice cream' Tobyn is not an ice cream in the cone kind of kid, he prefers the sticks. His favourite ice cream on a stick is a choc bar.

Yesterday he got to go to town to spend his pocket money. He wanted a board game but it was $30 more than he had. Instead of waiting and saving up the $30 he still wanted to buy something. He decided he was going to get a plastic knight and the Hercules DVD. When he looked at the price of the DVD he said 'That is ridiculous, I am not going to spend $40 on a DVD, I can get it cheaper somewhere else' Yep that's my boy the bargain hunter. He also decided with the knights that it was better to buy the Papo brand rather then the schleich brand because they were at least $5 cheaper, LOL. After lunch at subway he wanted to go to Kmart to see if they had Hercules cheaper. Unfortunately it wasn't cheaper. He then spied a 2 DVD set that was $32, 'That is really good, 2 DVDs for that price is really good aye Mum?' So he ended up buying Prince of Egypt and Road to El Dorado. And he is very happy with his purchase.
Steve has been busy bush whacking the backyard. We have a large section, not lifestyle property size but bigger than your average section. Half of it is in wild grass. We are tying to get it to a point where we can start landscaping it. The idea is to have paths meandering down the hills and opening out to areas where we can sit and play. A large willow is a feature at the moment and we have swings and ladders in the tree. This weekend Steve attacked the long grass. What a HUGE job it is too. Before he got it all cut I wanted to try and take some photos of the boys in the long grass. Tobyn wasn't very co-operative in the beginning but he came around towards the end. I don't think I got any worthy of the wall but we had a lot of fun anyway. Here are a few of my favourites.
Here what Tobyn looked like in the beginning.

And here is a nicer photo but unfortunately it is blurry!

There are lots of nice photos of Isaac, but unfortunately I found it hard to get the light just right. I need to try these again early in the morning when the sun is going behind not coming down from the house.
I did not ask Isaac to pose like this he just did it, model in the making?

The next couple show Isaac personality really well. He is a happy, relaxed fun kid most of the time!

Isaac the cowboy, grass stalk and all.

This last photo from that shoot shows how the boys are together. They get on so well and are often laughing together. It is so nice that they have such an awesome relationship!

This last photo of Isaac wasn't taken in the same session but it just goes to show that he is not always the perfect model. At this time he was like NO WAY I don't want any more photos taken!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, 'til next time, ciao
I really enjoyed looking at all your photos! I think it's great that you capture, keep & share the "bad" photos as well as the good. I need to try doing that more! It tells the story ... and that's important.
Gorgeous photos!
My computer gave up before christmas and NOW i got it to work again. So now I spend time with surfing around and enjoy all the new cards, layouts that has been made since my last time. I have a big cup of coffe and I´m looking for inspiration.
Have a great 2008.
Enjoy looking at your photos, love the one of the 2 of them especially.
Your 'backyard' sounds so much fun!
All the pics are just awesome ... look forward to seeing them on a layout.
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