I have also been busy creating! I started 2 of these layouts while we were at the Lake house last week and today I finally finished them.
This first layout is for the monthly challenge at http://scrapbookoutletnz.co.nz/ I am really happy with how it turned out. I wanted it to be feminine but not too feminine, hence the pink/blue/brown colour way. This photo is one of my most favoured memories from the past Christmas. Isaac and Nana's awesome relationship blossomed while she was with us. Unfortunately when she moved on to the other cousins Isaac wasn't happy. It appeared as if he was punishing her because he wouldn't give her the wonderful snuggles and 'chats' he had been.

The next layout is mainly using the Jan SBO kit. I have also added a few other bits and bobs from my stash. I have been trying to use some older photos and some of my older stash. I have so much cool stuff but I tend to forget about it. So I have been having a rumage and a play. The photo on this layout is my 9 year when he was only 3 months old and I had propped him up in the corner of the cousch to get a photo.

This layout is using some bits from a couple of SBO kits buit mainly my old stash. Tobyn is 5 in this photo. I am so glad to have this scrapped now, a very cool story behind this one.

On a slightly different tack....I am worried about my Dad. He is only 64 and is being put into a home. I don't have a particularly good relationship with my Dad. For those that have read my blog for a while you will have read a post last year about this. Briefly for the newbies.....my Dad left my Mum when Tobyn was only a few months old. I rushed down to Chch, concerned for my Mum. Dad went his own way and didn't and doesn't contact his 3 children or 5 grandchildren. He also has no contact with his sister and old friends. He has diabetes, high blood pressure and had a heart attack Jan 2006. Basically he is not a well man but he has been coping on his own until now. My brother lives in Chch as well and so he is the point of contact. Currently Dad is in hospital and has had a psychological examination. The psychologist says he is unable to care for himself. I wish I could help but I know that there isn't much I can do. Dad has lost his identity, esteem and will to live, because of choices he has made. I will go down sometime this year and take the boys to see him but other than that I don't know what else I can do. I have been thinking of making a mini album or calendar with pics of us. It could be something he could look at and see what he does have. I wish I could get him to realise that he is the master of his own destiny and when things go wrong it isn't everyone elses fault! And I believe that he could help himself and live a few more good years yet. I love my Dad, he is my Dad after all. Like Tobyn said to me this morning how can you hate someone that is your family? You love them unconditionally.
To put Tobyn's comment into perspective. A conversation Tobyn had at swimming with another boy I will call P.
Conversation had while Isaac was leaning against the pool calling to Tobyn.
P: "is your little brother annoying?"
Tobyn: "Not really, sometimes"
P: "Do you hate him?"
Tobyn: "No"
then to me after relaying the conversation
T: "How could you hate him he is my brother, he is my family. I love him, he is so cool and cute"
And Tobyn I love you!!! I love how you adore your little brother. I love how you love him unconditionally. I love how you play with him and help him to learn. I love how you are excited to see him everyday. You have a huge heart don't ever let anyone change that!
Oh Yvette, what a sticky situation you are in. I really feel for you, and understand. 3 years ago something similar happened to my FIL, and we had to make the decision to put him into a home at the age of 61. I find it hard to get involved as if it were my family we would have never let it get to that stage, but my hubbys family have totally different views. Thinking of you, and hope it works out.
On a brighter note, what a lovely wee boy you have there, what a nice thing to say.
yep, young tobyn is one wise wee man.
I feel fo you too... My family relations are strained, father walked out suddenly on mother just on 5 years ago etc etc. Because I've always been the less understood kiddo, I'm actually kinda glad to be removed from the immediacy thanks to not being in the same city.... but guilty too. Try not to feel guilty... as you say, these were his decisions. Easy for others to say tho', hey.
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