Speaking of layouts loved or not, here is my layout for the latest number8 wired dare. The dare is to visit the resene website and find a colour palette and use that as inspiration for a layout. This was so much fun and I spent a long time just perusing the resene website. I chose this particular colour palette because it was simple but quite different to anything I had done before. Only problem was it called for a girl layout. So I flicked through my albums and came across these adorable photos of Meggy. This cute wee girl will be 10 in a couple of weeks time! The mark on her forehead is not on the layout, something happened when I took the photo. I might take it again tomorrow and replace this one.
The layout

The inspiration for the layout.
I might even have another go at this challenge, I enjoyed it so much.
This weekend we are celebrating Thanksgiving. Late? Yes. One of the families we celebrate with had dance recitals last weekend. This time 2 years ago we were in the States and had already celebrated one thanksgiving the year before. It is so much fun and very much an American tradition. Because Isaac was born in America and is an American citizen we feel it is our duty to make sure he learns some of the American traditions. The challenge in the coming years will be remembering what the traditional foods etc are. Thank goodness for American friends and the Internet LOL. Also finding American friends to celebrate with. This year we are again celebrating with Kaila, Glen, Sophia, Vivi and bump, plus Glens Mum who arrived from the States today, and the 2nd family, Christina, Lily and Ivy. Lily and Ivy are 4 and 2 and as yet Christina hasn't celebrated thanksgiving with them. I can't decide if I am going to go with the $45 traditional turkey or the less traditional but much cheaper chickens? Update and photos next week.
Friday night we have family fun night at Church, Saturday we will also be putting up the Christmas tree. Sunday is the first big rehearsal for the Christmas children's service. So a pretty busy weekend and they only get busier from here on in til Christmas. Fun times ahead!!!
Tobyn is doing really well at school at the moment. He got a certificate in assembly last week for great effort and self discipline towards his school work. He was so chuffed. Soon I will do a blog post all about my big boy. I seem to write so much about Isaac. Partly because I have more photos of him. Tobyn is terrible about having his photo taken, but I did get some good ones the other day like this one:

and this one,

isn't he adorable?!
until after the busy weekend, thanks for visiting!
Neat layout - such perfect colours for a little girl :) That site is full of inspiration, isn't it!
Lovely layout with wonderful colours!
Awesome LO! WTG you on doing it. And yes, great photos of your big boy. You'll have fun scrapping them!
A gorgeous layout, I love the blue & purple together.
Those are really good photos of Tobyn, too!
Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving celebrations. I love the concept of Thanksgiving and wouldn't mind if it became a Kiwi tradition too!
Lovely Layout and enjoy your late thanksgiving...What wonderful parents you are wanting to keep traditions alive for issac!
I agree with Hannah I love the concept!
love that colour combo great job. Neat that you will be celebrating an american tradition in a kiwi way.....
Love that colour scheme Yvette and love your LO. Those photos of your son are great!!
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