Isaac is learning so much at the moment and it is so much fun. He loves being in the 'big bed' and will often be found lying in his bed, our bed or the BIG bed in his room. Pretending has become a big part of his play. He is also into imaginary creatures at the moment. He points at things and says cow, pig, sheep, horse etc. and they aren't really there! He is getting bigger feet and I found he nows fits sandles and shoes I only tried on a few weeks ago and back then they were way too big. So yesterday he was wearing green sandles with stars on and he loved them and kept saying 'green shoes' Today he was wearing Thomas sneakers that light up when he stomps. So all day he has been stomping to make them sparkle.
I started kissing booboos a few days ago. Now every time he hurts himself he asks for a kiss, like this afternoon he hurt his nose and came to me and said 'Mummy kiss nose' And sometimes I will give his booboo lots of kisses and he dissolves into hysterics. Too cute.
He LOVES Tobyn and has started calling him 'my broder' This morning I found him knocking on Tobyns door with a peg saying in a deep growly voice 'come out, now'
He loves Apollo the cat and can often be found cuddling him. Most of the time he is really good with him. But a couple of days ago I found him hitting him a little too hard and I had to be Mummy growly lion. He has been good since.
He loves books!!! And will bring books to read many times a day. He knows most of the Hairy Maclairy stories from start to finish. One of his favourite Lynley Dodd books right now is 'Wake Up Bear' and he always jumps when the bear shouts 'Honey'
He is very determined and has a very strong will. But with his adorable sense of humour and his affectionate nature we can usually diffuse issues before they become too big.
He is still very big on routine. As long as we do things in the same way and the same order then everything will be fine. For example night time. Daddy comes home, we have tea, Isaac has a bath, Isaac comes out of the bath and has snuggles with mummy, Isaac streaks around the house nakid then comes back to get clothes on, Daddy takes Isaac and he says goodnight with kisses, cuddles and 'I love yous' to Mummy and Tobyn, Daddy takes him to his room Isaac lies down on the BIG bed and has some of his bottle, Daddy reads 3 books then Isaac turns his music on, gets into his bed and has some more of his bottle, Daddy tucks him in, makes sure he has blankie, floppy bunny, Makka Pakka, Iggle Piggle and any other important toys that day and says good night and leaves the room. IT WORKS!!!
Enough for now. Here are a couple of photos from the weekend. I have converted a colour to b&w and might use it in the Number 8 wired dare this fortnight.

This next photo shows Isaac having a go on the big bike. Steve got it down from the roof on the weekend. Tobyn got this bike for Christmas when he was 2 1/2. Isaac has only just turned 2 so hasn't got the idea of it yet. But he did enjoy being on the big bike.

Maybe I will get to post again tomorrow about Tobyn with some cool photos from the weekend.
I don't have any projects to show at the moment because I am working on Christmas presents mainly, so you have to wait until after Chrissy.
Awwww, he sounds like a really lovely little boy!! I think this age is so cute, it's great to watch them learning and growing. And as they start talking more, well it's just so darn cute!! He looks adorable on that bike!
A lovely, lovely post. :-)
Beautiful to see your love and pride shine through your words when you talk about your son :) It's such a gorgeous age and he seems such a cute wee man! What an adorable picture of him on the bike, sheesh look at how huge the helmet looks!
He sounds as though he is growing up so well - well done to you and your DH
that was a beautiful post to read Yvette.......lovely.......and deserving of a fab layout.
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