We have put so much time and energy into getting our eldest boy to use good manners. Now most of the time he has pretty good manners but we often have to remind him. It is so frustrating that an almost 9 year old doesn't use good manners all the time and especially when you put so much effort into teaching the importance of good manners. Now fast forward to our little 19month old.....he already has lovely manners and the only thing we have been doing is using good manners ourselves. This little guy has obviously observed what we say and when we say it. About a week ago he had a bottom burp and he said 'parn me' I thought this was a fluke and maybe he didn't actually say what I thought he had and then the next morning he burped and he said it again. Since that first one he has used it regularly in context since, even pardoning his Dad this morning, soo cute. He is also very good with 'peese' and 'hank oo' So he has beautiful manners, he also has a terrible temper!!! Lately he has been having lots of temper tantrums, he hits things and says 'ow, ow, ow' or will flop down on the ground and squeal. And he likes to scream when he doesn't get his way. This child deffinately has a mind of his own! And even though it is hard to hear the screaming and see the tantrums I love it. I love that he is doing so well considering where he started. He is an adorable little guy that loves to give hugs and kisses and I can forgive the tantrums knowing that this is his way of expressing his independance. This little guy that started life at 2lb is making the most of it.

Lately I have not been able to do any scrapping. I am trying to clear out a whole of stuff taking up storage space. I have been trying to get things on trade me firstly to clear it out and secondly to get a little bit of spending money for our trip to Oz. So far I have earnt $150 Yay me.
Steve had his last LONG run yesterday. The marathon is 2 weeks from yesterday and I can tell you I will be glad when it is over!!! These 3-4hr runs on the weekend take too much time out of our time with the family. But he did also spend alot of time on Sat cleaning out the garage, still a lot more to do but at least it is already looking alot better. Sunday afternoon we also played chinese checkers with Tobyn. For ages I have been wanting to have a games evening or afternoon with Steve and Tobyn and we never seem to get around to it. Now the frustrating thing was that Tobyn got bored I think. Tobyn is a very bright little boy whose mind is often somewhere else. So firstly we had to keep reminding him to watch the game and secondly we had to keep asking him to not make silly noises when moving his pieces. Now that I have written that it seems silly that it concerned us so much. I do think that if we played games more often it would be better so hopefully I can make this a regular weekend event.
'til next time, ciao
1 comment:
Well done to your little guy! Keep at it with the mannaers - I have found that mine sometimes forget at home but when they're out they're great. I also "don't hear" them when they don't say please - they soon get the message. If I'm handing something over and they don't say thank you, I just hold on until they do
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