Thursday, 14 June 2007

Congratulations Jane and Gus

Jane, Steves' younger sister and her husband Gus had their first baby on Monday June 11th. They had a little girl, Olivia. We don't have any photos yet, can't wait though! But I did have a play and altered a wooden letter for her. This is my 1st attempt at using my scrapbooking on something other than paper. I enjoyed playing with paint and like the finished result, even if it is very simple! I hope Jane likes it. I now have plans to do a couple more, and they are for girls! I don't oftne get to do girly things and that showed when I was looking through my stash I didn't have much to use on the letter, I see a shopping spree for some girly stuff coming up LOL


Tracy said...

What a lovely gift, your altered letter looks beautiful!

Jenny said...

It looks good, Yvette. I did something similar early this year and it was fun. Not so sure how many I could do though - they're a bit like quilts :-)

Keryn Campbell said...

That is beautiful Yvette. Definitely a keepsake.

Shelley said...

That's gorgeous Yvette! You've done a great job :)

Ilka said...

That's a beautiful present, I'm sure they'll love it! And yippee to the shopping spree for girly stuff. Hope you get some to do for yourself too! Really like your LO of Steve too.

Kirstin Anderson-McGhie (Keamac) said...

Just gorgeous Yvette, so soft and feminine. I have a set of letters waiting to alter for me and my guys - I'm feeling inspired to do so now. :-)
BTW thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I really appreciated the cyber hug, it made my day.

Marieke said...

Hey Yvette, thanks for the comment about the tin. I bought it at KiwiScraps, here:
Lovely letter for little Olivia. What a thoughtful gift.

Jane said...

Thank you Yvette, we love the letter and the blanket you made for Olivia also.

I love your blog site Yvette and am utterly impressed!!! How can you question that you are anything but amazing?! I have always thought you are a great mum with truly enviable mothercraft skills (I know appreciate the value of this so much more!). You still manage to make time to create wonderful things,do internet savvy stuff such as this and further yourself by taking courses which have so obviously paid off in your ability (particularly love the one of Steve & the Lorikeet)!

Look forward to you meeting our wee angel (currently grizzly so I'll sign off).