Bad, bad blogger. I have been procrastinating about writing on my blog and now I don't really know where to start....
The biggest thing that has happened this past week would be my Dad phoning and saying he was in town could he come and stay the night. This was a HUGE shock and not the most welcome one!
My Dad has been somewhat distant for the past 7 years and my brother, sister and I have a very strained relationship with him. He hurt our Mum terribly and did some pretty thoughtless things. Early 2006 he had a heart attack and was very ill and told he only had a short time left to live. I think he got very depressed and upset at the things he was missing out on. He has 5 grandsons and really doesn't 'know' any of them. I think that my children deserve to know their Poppa so when we went to Christchurch last year and had a thanlsgiving service for Isaac we invited him to celebrate with us. It was so nice to see Tobyn get on so well with him.
So fast forward to last Thursday afternoon. A phone call at 4pm and shock, horror the person says 'hi it's Dad' oh my goodness! He said he was in town and could he come and stay the night. As it turned out he was hitchhiking up to Auckland to go to a Benny Hinn evening. According to him Benny Hinn is a faith healer, so obviuously Dad hopes to be healed! CRAZY man!!! He has a bad back, heart condition and diabetes. So we gave him dinner and a bed and he was then planning on continuing hitching up to Auckland. My conscience couldn't let him hitch up to Auckland and then all the way back down to Chch. So I offered to drive him to Taihape, figured he could get a ride from there better than from Palmy. I also looked into getting him back to Chch and could get a very good plane fare. He seemed very appreciative and I hope he got what he wanted from the trip! It is now Sunday evening and I hope he is back in Chch, haven't had any news.
On the good side of all this my sister and I talked a whole lot about our feelings. It was good to be able to say some positive things about him. For all his faults and the bad memories we have we do know that he has a big heart and this is why he has got into so much financial trouble. Everyone that knows him that aren't family say he is a wonderful man. I told Tobyn that I find my Dad hard to be around and I don't know what to say to him. My darling boy didn't want to tell me that he liked his Poppa. I had to explain to him that it is wonderful that he loves Poppa. He asked me if I loved him and I said yes I will always love him I don't really like some of the things he has done but he is my Dad and I will always love him!!!
I am now pleased that I have a photo of Dad with Isaac, I missed getting one last year.

A question for my readers, what does my Dad remind you of? It is sad but I think my dad looks like a homeless person. He doesn't look after himself and I find that very sad.
Ok, that's all for now, 'til next time XXX