Friday, 25 May 2007


Tobyn has got into the final for the speech competition at school! Finally he is shining and loving it. He came home last week with the instructions and the work was to be done at home. The prompt was 'The time is now' and he did The time is now to save the Kiwi. This was such an appropriate topic for him being such an animal lover. I got him to do a plan and then he did a little research online with Steve. Then on the weekend we went to the library and he got out some books. He spent most of Sunday working on the speech. On Monday he read it to the class and his teacher gave him some great feedback and critiquing. He needed to make it a bit longer and improve the beginning and end, which ironically is what we told him but of course it is better coming from the teacher. On Wednesday he came home with a critique sheet after presenting it again. So Wednesday evening he practised and practised and we gave him pointers and feedback and told him we thought he could win it. Thursday morning was the actual judging and he was quite excited about doing it. At the end of the day he proudly tells us he is in the top 3 and competes with 10 year 5's and 6's next Tuesday morning, we couldn't be prouder of him he has done so well. The year 5 and 6's compete to represent the school at a cluster schools competition whcih Tobyn and the other 2 year 4's are not eligible for but next year.......?


Ilka said...

That is awesome news! I bet you are one super proud Mum! Love how he put so much work and effort into it and got rewarded for it!
Even though he cant go through to the cluster comps this year it's a good practice for next year maybe. In any case the true lesson he learned will be with him for a long time to come.

Jenny said...

Fantastic news!!