Tuesday, 15 May 2007


We have had an uneventful week really but I still don't seem to have blogged. Mum is in town at the moment looking after my sisters 3 boys while sis and her DH are on a well needed break. It is really nice having Mum here and getting to spend quality time with her during the day while the boys are at school. Mum and Isaac are developing a very strong bond which is so nice to see. Mum and I have been scrapbooking. Mum brought a whole lot of photos with her, some of me for me to use at a later date and some for herself that she wanted to scrap. Mum is terrible because she doesn't believe that she has any skills or ideas, but she does!!! So far she has done 3 pages, 2 of which are doubles and they all look great. I will have to take a photo and put them up later. I have managed to finish one and start another in the same amount of time, go figure.

This is the one I have finished. The idea came from a challenge to use 10 different patterned papers at www.scrapgal.com . It has alot of handstitching which I did on and off over a few days. It also has kindy glitz on the chipboard. I like it but I don't LOVE it. But then I never totally love anything I do I can always see some way it could be improved.

I got to watch Tobyn at hockey on the weekend. There team has been promoted to division 1 and like everyone else I thought they would struggle a little. But they were troupers and did REALLY well. They were 2-0 in the first 12 minutes and came throuh to win 5-3. Steve was an extremely proud coach!

Tobyn has his 1st sleepover that wasn't a cousin or Arna since we have been back from America. Ethan and Tobyn had a great weekend and I would have Ethan any time he was a very well behaved little boy!

And last but not least Steve and Tobyn in Steve's new toy. Steve has wanted a kayak for quite a while now and now that his parents have bought a house in Kinloch it was a good excuse to get one. We took it down to the lagoon and the boys had a fun short first go.

And anyone that reads this please send some positive thoughts our way right now. Our second cat Apollo is missing. We last saw him last night before we went to bed and he didn't come in for his b'fast this morning and he has still not shown up. Tobyn is feeling very sad and it would be such an awful loss to have lost 2 cats in such short succession!!!

1 comment:

Marieke said...

Hey Yvette, I went looking for you over on Scrapgal because you have won a RAK from me ;-) for taking part in our challenges. Silly me I had totally forgotten that you are a 'local' for me. You need to send me your snail mail so I can send you some goodies.
Fun to see your son plays hockey. My DS also plays. Just 4-a-side though, it's his first real season.