Shandy wanted to hear our first date stories with our DH.
Unfortunately our story is not all that romantic, it is interesting though. So here goes.
Setting the scene: Late 80's, era of teen boys with long hair, girls with spiral perms and heavily teased and sprayed bangs, Madonna, Aerobics, fluoro clothing, got the picture yet?
Steve was at University doing a 4 year Technology degree, and out flatting (not sure what you Americans would call it, living in a house with other singles, usually students) I was training to be a nurse and still living at home. I had been attending St Davids Young Adults Group for a couple of years. We had many students join our group and we all became firm friends. I remember very distinctly the first time I noticed Steve, it was at a family night and we had been split off into groups and given a challenge to act out. I remember seeing him acting like a complete fool and thinking who is that weirdo, oops! At the end of that year I had got to know him a little better and he went over to England for the summer. While he was away I do remember looking forward to him returning home, not because I liked him romantically but because I thought he was becoming a close friend. After his return from his trip I got to know him even better and the romantic feelings started to come, BUT.....I was very shy and didn't want to make a move because, what if he didn't like me like that? My best friend told him I liked him which I think was the first he knew. It took a few months of heartache before he actually invited me out to his final year Uni ball. So that was our first date. I wore a satin teal green frilly dress, remember it was the 80's! I was picked up in a taxi along with him his best friend and BF's girlfriend. It was a tough night, it was my first really big event like that, I was extremely shy and naive and felt out of my depth with all the academics. Needless to say a few weeks later he turned up at my house to give me the, I just want to be friends speech! I was devastated! Over the next couple of years I 'dated' a couple of other guys, nothing serious at all, and I thought I was 'over' Steve. Fast forward to 1991. Steve had been working for a couple of years and was ready to buy a house. I was more than ready to move out and go flatting so he said would I like to be a flatmate if he bought a house. I jumped at the chance. At the time I was interested in another guy. I was dancing practically every day and wasn't home all that often. So we moved into the house. Shortly after we moved in the guy I was interested in told me he didn't want it to go any further, alas broken heart again, SIGH. But Steve was there for me, he was so sweet and I really appreciated him playing soppy songs for me. A few weeks later he started showing more than flattie interest in me, I FREAKED!!! I went to aerobics and said to my friends, "OMG I think Steve wants more than just friends, he touched my leg and I DON'T want to go any further, I know him too well." Well now to cut a long story short, as it is pretty long already, that was Summer 1991 we were engaged winter 1992, and married January 1993, thats makes it 14 years and 2 kids later. And I couldn't be happier with him he is my best friend and my rock and I love him immensely.