Monday, 31 December 2007

Final update for 2007

So much to say and so little room and time.

We had a lovely Christmas. My Mum arrived last Sunday and stayed with us until yesterday when we delivered her to my sisters for the week. Isaac and Mum are very close and it is lovely to see. Isaac is such an affectionate cuddly kid and Mum loves the obvious signs of affection. Tobyn on the other hand is not all that open with his affection. He will sidle up to you on the couch and snuggle in but not run with open arms. His 3 cousins are the COMPLETE opposite, e.g. when we met Mum at the airport and we had to call the 3 wayward cousins back because they had gone past the security barrier! Issac is somewhere in between the 2 extremes and it is lovely to see.

Christmas Eve was fun getting Isaac to do his first get ready for Christmas. Although he wanted to eat the carrots and not leave them on the ground. Isaac was so excited he didn't sleep very well. He woke around 11pm and was so excited he didn't go back to sleep and ended up in our bed. I think this might be the last Christmas Tobyn 'believes' in Santa. He has made a few comments about conversations with friends. And even though I got Santa to call him the other day he has still got a few questions. After the phone call he did say 'that proves that Santa is real and I am going to tell all my friends.' His friends must have said how could Santa send an e-mail and why would he anyway, obviously making Tobyn think. I am rather sad about the loss of innocence.

Christmas morning was fun with the boys opening Christmas sacks a quick b'fast and off to Church. After Church we opened the big prezzies. I got 2 really cool scrappy bags from my boys, all ready for scrap camp in April, yay. Mum loved her calendar I made even though it isn't quite finished. The boys faves would be Tobyn's PS2 and wooden sword and shield, and Isaac's couch and mike the talking mower. Plus the many books which are always hits.

It was all a bit much for Steve and he fell asleep.

In the afternoon we went to my sisters and had a lovely Christmas dinner.

We have had many evenings since playing buzz junior and having lots of laughs.

For me it has been a rough Christmas because I have pneumonia! I had high temps prior to Christmas and didn't think much of it, then the cough came and came and came. Finally last Friday I took myself to the Dr and was diagnosed and prescribed 2 lots of anti bots. I am starting to feel better but today i am off to take Isaac as he has an awful cough and is very sleepy.

Back from the Dr's and Isaac is fine. The Dr can't hear anything but did give us a script for anti bots if we think we need them over the next couple of days.

I hope every has a safe and happy New Years whatever you may be doing. We are staying home and getting an early night, boring stuff.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you have been so sick, Yvette! That's not fun at all. I hope you're improving now.

I agree that it's a little sad when kids stop "believing" in Santa. Especially if it's because of other children telling them he's not real. At least you know Tobyn won't spoil it for Isaac and you'll have a few more years of Santa Claus at your house :-)

LOL at your New Year plans ... we did that in 2006, didn't even stay up til midnight! Last night we partied though ;-)

Happy New Year to you!

Anonymous said...

Omg I am so sorry that you have been sick Yvette! I really hope that you feel better soon! Your christmas sounds great!

Anonymous said...

Eeps, so sorry to hear you've been so sick, hope the antibiotics kicked in fast and that you're feeling better now!
I know it's sad when the kids start 'growing up' and loose that innocence and special believing in Santa...
Looks like everyone had a fab christmas, lol love the pic of Steve 0.o
Wishing you and your loved ones and very Happy New Year, with much love, joy and good health!
*hugs* Ilka

Marrisa said...

Hello, so sorry sweetie for lack of comments. I am always here and reading, always sypathetic and always in absolute awe of all you do!! Gorgeous photos as always, Happy new Year to you all xxx

PS. Love that main photo!!

Jenny said...

WTG on two new scrapping bags! I hope that you are starting to feel better now; pneumonia is not fun at all - take care of yourself