From the first time I saw Neen's challenge this past fornight I could not get the coke slogan out of my head. I could not get past that to think about some other layout so I HAD to do it. Steve thinks it is wierd but then it is him. I had fun doing this, paint, ribbon, cutting paper, fun, fun, fun.

The holidays are going really well so far. The children have been keep suitably busy as to not have any 'I'm bored' comments. On Wednesday my sister and I plus our 5 boys went over to Wanganui. There are 2 really great things about Wanganui....Kowhai Park and The Scrapbook shop there.
On the way we were stopped for a routine police checkpoint. I felt pretty smug 'knowing' everything was up to date. The cop says 'just checking reg etc. Do you have a more recent registration than May?' me 'Parden? No, I had no idea!!!' Cop 'Do you have your drivers licence?' Me 'Sure, hang on' rummage around the car, knowing I had put it in there last week when I had lost my wallet, which was found outside the library after a night of heavy rain. I couldn't find my licence. now I am feeling very mad at myself. The policeman was a very nice man and very understanding. BUT, he still gave me a ticket. Understandably really! He said they may waiver it but I just have to give it a try. I know how it happened, after we moved, last August, we didn't change our address for car registration. I don't look at the date because normally I get a reminder. So when Steve got home I asked him to look at his car and sure enough his was back in May as well, DOH. Well now they are both up to date, whew.
On to Wanganui. First stop, Post Office to get car registration. 2nd stop the Scrapbook Shop. Before entering we 'bribe' the children with McDonalds if they behave and don't touch anything. And they were very well behaved. Tobyn asked the store owner if she had anything about holy socks because he would like to do a page about holy socks LOL!!! He wants to have a layout published...he will probably get one published before me LOL!
After that we went to MD's and then onto Kowhai park. I love Kowhai park because it is so colourful and there are so many photo opportunities, if the children co-operate.
Following are a few of my faves.
This first one shows how daring Isaac is! He climber this rock, by himself, to the top. And it is pretty high! He is very brave.
I just love this one.

I love this one because you can see how much fun they were having. I love Isaacs hair flying. Unfortunate about Tobyns expression though.

And a one of all 5 boys. I am really pleased to have got a couple of reasonable shots of them all together, not an easy task!!!
Tomorrow we are off the Taupo. We were supposed to leave tonight but Steve had to go to Auckland today and doesn't get back until 7.30pm. Tobyn's friend is here already and they are having a ball outside with the water pistols. Crazy boys, it's not that hot!
So until next time, have a great weekend, ttfn.
A tip for young players, if you didn't already know, you can click on the images and it will take you to a larger image.
Great layout - I think it's so cool that you did a layout about Coke! I'm a Coke Zero addict so I am bound to do a page on that one day ;-)
Sorry to hear about your ticket! What a bummer, especially as you thought you were all kosher!
Cute photos, I love the one of Isaac poking through the hole, soooooo cute!! :-)
Love Kowhai Park! Have lots of photos of me there as a kid and now we go there so I can take photos of my kids. Must try the scrapbook shop next time too!
Sounds like you're having a terrific time except of course the car story - bit of a bummer.
Cool LO great theme!
Love the photos my favorite is the boat one - that just sings!
Sorry about your ticket - that happened to me once (the registration expired) but a friend pointed it out before I was stopped. We went to that park just after we got here and my boys had great fun playing there
Oh - I meant to add that Colin had a l/o published in Scrapbook Creations years before I had one published in Up2Scrap!
I think we have a photo somewhere of you Yvette on a see-saw at Kowhai Park...hehe.
Oh - really really cute photos! Love the kids group ones. THat coke layout is really amazing - love the wiggly lines!
What absolutely wonderful photos. They are simply stunning.
Sounds like a fun park.
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