Tobyn is heavily into anything medievil right now. So when Steve saw that there was a medievil weekend on in the Sunshine coast while we were there it was a perfect thing to do. We weren't 100% sure of all the details but thought why not go have a look. So we packed a lunch and off we went. When we arrived it was so awesome to see people right into the spirit and Tobyn LOVED it! All day Tobyn was hanging out to have a go at archery. So the last thing we did was find the archery range. Tobyn found it pretty hard being so small and not having a lot of strength but he enjoyed it. Unfortunately they closed shortly after we paid and had to be away at a parade in 10mins so Tobyn was rushed through and didn't really get the attention he needed, but none the less he has a wonderful memory. An amazing unexpected day.

We spent one day just driving into the mountain area. We had alovely lunch in a cute little cafe and a lovely scenic drive looking at the glass house mountains. We stopped at a park forest area and looked around. It was getting dark and cold by this point so we didn't spend as long as we could have here. While we were waiting for grandad and Grandma Isaac did a little exploring and found a mini rock wall. My litte explorer didn't take long to give it a go and try and scale the wall, and he did it. Woah, Tobyn was never that adventurous!

I love this photo of Isaac on Grandads shoulders. Look at that cheeky grin, that sums him up really, very cute but full of mischief!

A photo of Tobyn at the beach just because I love it. This was one of those photos where he tried to not have a photo taken!

Tobyn held Steve Irwin in high adoration for a long time. When he died Tobyn was devastated and that was about the time we decided we would take him to Oz and Australia Zoo. Of course he would have liked to go with Steve Irwin still alive. So hwe made it and what an awesome Zoo! The keepers are so passionate, as Steve was. They know what they are talking about and are so passionate about saving wildlife. You get so up close to so many animals. Tobyn loved seeing all the crocs and especially ones Steve talks about on his shows. We were also lucky to get to see Terri and Bob, Steves father. They were taking possesion of a new truck that was donated and they were being filmed for the news. All in all another great day!

And finally we moved on, to Brisbane. We wanted to get a taste of the big city. We only had 2 nights but it was enough to get a feel for it. I would like to go back and spend more time in the big city I think there is a lot to see and do. The first night we walked around and over to the South Bank, which we thought would be awesome, but sadly mistaken it was very rundown and grubby.
People spotting was interesting! I was surprised at how dowdy most of the people were. Not much colour, pretty scruffy, a lot of people smoking and ALOT of people in general.
The final day in Oz we walked and walked and walked. We thought we'll just go over there and maybe there will be a playground. We did finally find a playground but I think we had been walking for a good 2 hours. The boys had a blast in the playground though. Yet again Isaac showing how much he wants to be like his big brother trying things he shouldn't even want to try yet.
We had dinner in a cute little authentic Irish pub. Lovely stodgy Irish food, mmm.
And then we came home. We were ready to come home! I think that it goes to show that we got the relaxation we needed to and were ready to get back to the comfort of home even if we knew it was going to be considerably colder.
It was great to get home to a clean well looked after house, thanks Fee you did a great job housesitting for us!

Great photos - and some wonderful scrapping material there!! I just LOVE that one of Isaac on his Grandad's shoulders (can sooooo see a layout coming ... ) and that last one of Isaac is really cute too!!
Fabulous photos, you really take great pictures and you've done so well with journaling it all down. As Hannah said will help you heaps when you start scrapping about the pics!
Great photos! I really like using a blog to get down all my thoughts and then edit it later for journalling
Hi Yvette,
I just had a look at all your Aussie photos. They're great! You'll be pleased to know that I have one of my own stuck to my work computer--Isaac in the orange ensemble. So gorgeous! I also took a peek at Tobyn's site. Who writes the stories? Is it a mother-son collaboration? Tell him I think it's very cool.
Ele, so nice to have youh visit! Now maybe you guys can have more regular views of your godson than the very irregular e-mails! )
Tobyns blog is all his work! He started it back when Isaac was born and Steve started a blog for him. I have had to transfer everything to the new blog because we can't access the old one anymore. The last entry he wrote last week and I think you can see a difference in the writing. He will be thrilled to know you have read and enjoyed it! He talks about being a journalist/writer and we tell him about you guys and that he could talk to you about your jobs sometime.
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