Monday, 30 April 2007
Awful Day
Today has to be one of the worst days I have ever had! I ran over Isaacs cat. As I was backing out of the garage I felt this bump and thought I had run over some of Steves stuff on the floor of the garage, but no I had done something far worse! My poor boys, the cats are part of the family. We hadn't had them all that long, we got them for Isaacs b'day last Oct to celebrate the tough year we had made it through. Luna was an adorable cat. He had a lovely personality. He LOVED Isaac and Isaac LOVED him. Luna was one of Isaacs 1st words although both cats were Luna to him. Luna would come and sit on Isaacs lap and follow him around. He would come and sit by the bath when Isaac had a bath, he would let Isaac stroke and pat him no matter how hard. One of our last memories is of Isaac waving a feather dangly thing and Luna jumping and chasing it. Tobyn loves all our animals like they are his siblings. He was so sweet while I was sobbing and didn't know what to do he said 'it's OK Mum don't be too sad' One of the saddest moments was when he first knew what had happened and he was crying and saying 'wake up it's just a dream, it's just a dream' and then when took him to school and he said 'I didn't think we could die young, I thought I would live with him for a long time' this eveing he wanted to have a family prayer and I think that helped him a lot, he didn't want to say anything, Steve did a great job for all of us. RIP Luna, we love you.

Sunday, 29 April 2007
They're here at last
OK here is some eye candy for you.
I have been meaning to some recent pics of the boys on here for a few days now, and here they are. I am really enjoying my new camera, but I don't think the boys are, I think they have had enough of me taing photos of them. But I think they are such adorable targets for the Mummy paparazzi!
This is a pretty good shot of the 2 boys. It is difficult to get them together because Isaac is too active and Tobyn puts on silly faces.
Here is my big 18mth old. Where did that year and a half go? Look at his adorable eyes (but of course I am biased!)
A reasonable shot of my adorable big boy.
I love this photo of Steve and Isaac, look at the love in Daddys eyes!
I have been wanting to do canvas footprints for Isaacs wall since we had the room painted. Finally on Anzac day we did it. The 1st photo is Isaac doing his own canvas and he only put the brush in his mouth once! I just love the 2nd photo of his blue foot! There are more of a green foot and a blue face! They will be perfect for a scrapbook page!

Today we are having a pretty quiet day. Steve has to go in to work. He had to come home early on Friday because the car had a flat tyre and I don't know how to change it (but now I do!!!) Anyway he didn't know how to change it either because we had never had to do it and it has a special locking nut so our mags don't get stolen. So we had to call someone out to help us. While we were waiting Steve decided it was a good opportunity to stack the pile of wood we had delivered the day before. So he now needs to make up a few hours.
Tobyn is having a friend over to play this afternoon and Isaac and I will get to play I guess.
Oh big news for my fitness.....we bought an eliptical trsiner yesterday. I have been looking at treadmills for a while. I thought I could do this while Isaac is sleeping. So this weekend Smith City had a fitness expo and had stuff on sale including $500 off the treadmill I was thinking about. So we had decided on that, then Steve jumped on an elliptical trainer and asked my opinion. I have watched people in the gym use these before and I thought they looked so hard but when I got on I was impressed. It is low impact and works so many different muscle groups. I can't wait for it to be delivered on Tuesday!!! By the time we go to Oz in June I am sure I am going to look and feel alot better than I do right now!
Well, my big boy is hungry so I had better go and sort some lunch before Isaac wakes up.
I have been meaning to some recent pics of the boys on here for a few days now, and here they are. I am really enjoying my new camera, but I don't think the boys are, I think they have had enough of me taing photos of them. But I think they are such adorable targets for the Mummy paparazzi!
This is a pretty good shot of the 2 boys. It is difficult to get them together because Isaac is too active and Tobyn puts on silly faces.

Here is my big 18mth old. Where did that year and a half go? Look at his adorable eyes (but of course I am biased!)

A reasonable shot of my adorable big boy.

I love this photo of Steve and Isaac, look at the love in Daddys eyes!

I have been wanting to do canvas footprints for Isaacs wall since we had the room painted. Finally on Anzac day we did it. The 1st photo is Isaac doing his own canvas and he only put the brush in his mouth once! I just love the 2nd photo of his blue foot! There are more of a green foot and a blue face! They will be perfect for a scrapbook page!

Today we are having a pretty quiet day. Steve has to go in to work. He had to come home early on Friday because the car had a flat tyre and I don't know how to change it (but now I do!!!) Anyway he didn't know how to change it either because we had never had to do it and it has a special locking nut so our mags don't get stolen. So we had to call someone out to help us. While we were waiting Steve decided it was a good opportunity to stack the pile of wood we had delivered the day before. So he now needs to make up a few hours.
Tobyn is having a friend over to play this afternoon and Isaac and I will get to play I guess.
Oh big news for my fitness.....we bought an eliptical trsiner yesterday. I have been looking at treadmills for a while. I thought I could do this while Isaac is sleeping. So this weekend Smith City had a fitness expo and had stuff on sale including $500 off the treadmill I was thinking about. So we had decided on that, then Steve jumped on an elliptical trainer and asked my opinion. I have watched people in the gym use these before and I thought they looked so hard but when I got on I was impressed. It is low impact and works so many different muscle groups. I can't wait for it to be delivered on Tuesday!!! By the time we go to Oz in June I am sure I am going to look and feel alot better than I do right now!
Well, my big boy is hungry so I had better go and sort some lunch before Isaac wakes up.
Saturday, 28 April 2007
Yeah Baby, my latest layout
I asked Steve to choose 2 photos for me to scrap. I get into a rut of doing the same photos and I knew he would choose something to take me out of my rut and comfort zone. So he pulls out 2 photos from a 70's style b'day party. But, one of the photos I did not want as the focus of the page so I got 2 more photos from the same party. I had in my head how I wanted it to look with just the 2 photos so I then had to re think with an added 2 and as it evolved I had to had a 5th photo. I had fun with this layout. I used paint for the 1st time and gave it a bit of a messy look with some highlights of gold which are hard to see in the photo. This is not publication worthy but I do like how it turned out!

Blog challenge #20 Truth or Dare Friday and other news
THE DARE: Tell us about your most embarrassing moment. Well there really are too many to choose from, but,
Age: 17
Setting: Best friends brothers 21st.
Incident: OK get the picture, best friends brothers friends are GORGEOUS!!! So as any typical 17 yr old I feel awkward and unsure of myself, but....I still manage to make a fool of myself. We were all dancing on a hard wood floor to 80's music. I was wearing heels, which I didn't often do. My friend and I plus a couple of cute guys, (one in particular I was rather attracted to and had hoped he was to me)were spinning and doing silly dance moves, next minute I am on my butt having gone over on my ankle. Cute guy helps me up and over to a chair where it is obvious I have sprained my ankle, DOH. So I spend the rest of the evening with my foot up and an ice pack close at hand. Incidentally the cute guy was not ever and never would have ben interested in me ;)
In other news. I still haven't got any photos up, hopefully over the weekend I can do that. I plan on doing a double layout this weekend. Today is wet so I might get a chance to have some scrapping time.
Tobyn has his 1st game of field hockey today. Steve is the coach. Hopefully they will have a good game. Tobyn is only playing because Steve is the coach so it will be interesting to see how much enthusiasm he has for it. Steve and Tobyn have come home from hockey, and they won 4-2. And Tobyn says he had a good time.
Tobyn came home with a great school report this week. Almost all A's, he just needs to improve his presentation. He is so much more motivated this year.
Well, 'til later, gotta go have a shower and have a cup o' coffee.
Age: 17
Setting: Best friends brothers 21st.
Incident: OK get the picture, best friends brothers friends are GORGEOUS!!! So as any typical 17 yr old I feel awkward and unsure of myself, but....I still manage to make a fool of myself. We were all dancing on a hard wood floor to 80's music. I was wearing heels, which I didn't often do. My friend and I plus a couple of cute guys, (one in particular I was rather attracted to and had hoped he was to me)were spinning and doing silly dance moves, next minute I am on my butt having gone over on my ankle. Cute guy helps me up and over to a chair where it is obvious I have sprained my ankle, DOH. So I spend the rest of the evening with my foot up and an ice pack close at hand. Incidentally the cute guy was not ever and never would have ben interested in me ;)
In other news. I still haven't got any photos up, hopefully over the weekend I can do that. I plan on doing a double layout this weekend. Today is wet so I might get a chance to have some scrapping time.
Tobyn has his 1st game of field hockey today. Steve is the coach. Hopefully they will have a good game. Tobyn is only playing because Steve is the coach so it will be interesting to see how much enthusiasm he has for it. Steve and Tobyn have come home from hockey, and they won 4-2. And Tobyn says he had a good time.
Tobyn came home with a great school report this week. Almost all A's, he just needs to improve his presentation. He is so much more motivated this year.
Well, 'til later, gotta go have a shower and have a cup o' coffee.
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Blog #19 Websters Wednesday
The challenge today is to find an adjective for each letter in your name, and this is not easy with a Y and a V!!! So here it is
Well I often say yummy mummy, I wish I was.
2. (of a woman's body) having a large bosom and pleasing curves; "Hollywood seems full of curvaceous blondes"; "a curvy young woman in a tight dress"
I guess some of these are wishful thinking :) Though DH would probably agree
Yep, in my own little way
Absolutely, true to myself and my family and friends!
And some might too eager at times. Eager to learn new things amd have new experiences!
Come back later, I have some new photos and a layout to put up.
Well I often say yummy mummy, I wish I was.
2. (of a woman's body) having a large bosom and pleasing curves; "Hollywood seems full of curvaceous blondes"; "a curvy young woman in a tight dress"
I guess some of these are wishful thinking :) Though DH would probably agree
Yep, in my own little way
Absolutely, true to myself and my family and friends!
And some might too eager at times. Eager to learn new things amd have new experiences!
Come back later, I have some new photos and a layout to put up.
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Top feel good movie

Scrapgal blog challenge #19 Movie Monday. Lisa asked us to blog about our top feel good movie. Well it has taken me a few hours to think about this one. The first thing that came to mind was Grease...but...it is all about the music, the story line is a little weak and has some quite negative parts in it, but I do love it. So that isn't my fav!
I LOVE this movie! I can so relate to Abby, played by Janeane Garofolo. I think she is gorgeous, not the typical beauty but in my eyes very stunning. The characters low self esteem holds her back from believing that a gorgeous guy would like her looks, he liked her radio personality. As I said before I can relate, I am not a 'sterotypical' beauty, but many people tell me I am beautiful, I find it hard to accept. I think my DH is gorgeous so how did I end up with him, see my low-self esteem talking? Anyway, Abby ends up with the gorgeous man, now thats gotta make you feel good!
Other movies I love:
Princess Bride
Billy Elliot
The Neverending Story
Many Disney Movies, but in particular Aladdin, Beauty and The Beast, The Little Mermaid
Calendar Girls
Thats all I can come up with right now, TTFN
Monday, 23 April 2007
Finally caught up
After having had my brother and his girlfriend here for a week I have finally caught up on the websites I visit, YAY. So now I can update here too. We had a nice week with my bro. The boys particularly enjoyed having 2 more people around to pay them attention! And it was wonderful to not have to cook for one if the evenings, my brother cooked a very nice pasta dish which Tobyn also enjoyed.
I didn't get any scrapping done! So Yesterday and today I have enjoyed getting back into it. Of course typically I try something and it doesn't go to plan. I wanted to print onto acetate. So I typed up what I wanted, found my acetate and printed, not thinking that I needed special acetate, which of course I did actually know, get the picture? I can really be a bit blonde at times. So of course what I printed wouldn't dry. But, fortunately we were planning a trip into town so I tacked on a trip into Warehouse Stationary, got what I needed and finished the page. The layout I am talking about was also the layout talked about a few posts down in the oops post. So here it is in all its glory. I am very pleased with how it turned out in the end, even with a couple of flaws.
We have a busy week ahead, but I hope to get 2 pages completed, 1 is currently in 2nd planning stage i.e I have the photos and some ideas, and the other is in 0.1 planning stage i.e I have an idea. Maybe I can get Steve to take the boys out on Wednesday?
Well thats all for now, back soon 'cos it is too hard to keep up to date if I leave it too long!
Well I am not able to upload the image right now, computer is going very slow, grr. I will post the layout tomorrow.
I didn't get any scrapping done! So Yesterday and today I have enjoyed getting back into it. Of course typically I try something and it doesn't go to plan. I wanted to print onto acetate. So I typed up what I wanted, found my acetate and printed, not thinking that I needed special acetate, which of course I did actually know, get the picture? I can really be a bit blonde at times. So of course what I printed wouldn't dry. But, fortunately we were planning a trip into town so I tacked on a trip into Warehouse Stationary, got what I needed and finished the page. The layout I am talking about was also the layout talked about a few posts down in the oops post. So here it is in all its glory. I am very pleased with how it turned out in the end, even with a couple of flaws.
We have a busy week ahead, but I hope to get 2 pages completed, 1 is currently in 2nd planning stage i.e I have the photos and some ideas, and the other is in 0.1 planning stage i.e I have an idea. Maybe I can get Steve to take the boys out on Wednesday?
Well thats all for now, back soon 'cos it is too hard to keep up to date if I leave it too long!
Well I am not able to upload the image right now, computer is going very slow, grr. I will post the layout tomorrow.
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Tobyn my sweet sensitive guy
Isaac my scrumptious baby
Sometimes you get a good one!
Impossible photo shoots!
Right now I have my younger brother and his girlfriend staying. We thought it would be nice to have some photos taken with them and my 2 boys and our 3 nephews. Well I knew I was taking on a challenge but I was up for it! We didn't get any good photos of all the boys together but we did get one decent shot of Uncle Vaughan, Kristina and all five boys.
The trouble isn't the number of children it is more about the age of a couple of them, in particular the 2 8 year olds, my Tobyn and my sisters middle one Dominic, they don't know how to have a nice natural smile!
I did get some nice individual shots which I will put in the next post.

The trouble isn't the number of children it is more about the age of a couple of them, in particular the 2 8 year olds, my Tobyn and my sisters middle one Dominic, they don't know how to have a nice natural smile!
I did get some nice individual shots which I will put in the next post.

Thursday, 12 April 2007
Blog challenge #14 Websters Wednesday
Even though it is Thursday here already ;)
The challenge on Wednesday is going to be about words, so Lisa challenged us to type your name, that would be Yvette, and needs into google so here goes.................
Yvette needs:
A style of her own Well I never, I thought my bright pink top and flame red skin tight pants was great fashion.
adventures on TV landmaybe the adventures of Super unfashionable girl in skin tight flame red pants?
Sanityoh for sure, especially after the TV episode.
True Heroeswhat Super Unfashionable girl isn't a true hero? Oh drat.
Healing sessionssure do after all that super girl stuff.
Things to do in Bristolwhat is there a crisis? I'm right there, whoosh.
Baby NamesHow about super baby?
Peeing in peaceGoes without saying really. Actually Inreally do need this one, as anyone with children would understand.
The pursuit of happinessYep I can do without the super antics, give a normal simple life like that of a mother with 2 boys and some peace to scrap (oh and pee!)
The challenge on Wednesday is going to be about words, so Lisa challenged us to type your name, that would be Yvette, and needs into google so here goes.................
Yvette needs:
A style of her own Well I never, I thought my bright pink top and flame red skin tight pants was great fashion.
adventures on TV landmaybe the adventures of Super unfashionable girl in skin tight flame red pants?
Sanityoh for sure, especially after the TV episode.
True Heroeswhat Super Unfashionable girl isn't a true hero? Oh drat.
Healing sessionssure do after all that super girl stuff.
Things to do in Bristolwhat is there a crisis? I'm right there, whoosh.
Baby NamesHow about super baby?
Peeing in peaceGoes without saying really. Actually Inreally do need this one, as anyone with children would understand.
The pursuit of happinessYep I can do without the super antics, give a normal simple life like that of a mother with 2 boys and some peace to scrap (oh and pee!)
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Life is like a box of chocolates
I visit a scrapbook website where they give blog challenges. I thought this would be a good way to help make my blog a little mopre interesting (and have a few more visitors LOL)
So "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get" as said by Forrest Gump to his Mother. She also said it sometime in the movie but I don't know where.
For me this little quote conjurs up the feelings of unexpected happenings through life. I love challenges and being thrown a curve ball and have had many times recently when this has happened. As a family we have moved overseas a couple of times and thrived on the unexpected. While in the States I got pregnant when we had almost given up on the idea of another child. Then we get thrown another curve ball when I got quite sick and Isaac had to be delivered 9 weeks early. As hard as this was we got through it and the chocolate was sweeter because of it, we made some ownderful friends with nurses and Drs and the sweetness will continue. Enjoy the unexpected, you don't need a list of what the chocolates are take and one and enjoy the unexpected.
Waffle, waffle, waffle LOL
So "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get" as said by Forrest Gump to his Mother. She also said it sometime in the movie but I don't know where.
For me this little quote conjurs up the feelings of unexpected happenings through life. I love challenges and being thrown a curve ball and have had many times recently when this has happened. As a family we have moved overseas a couple of times and thrived on the unexpected. While in the States I got pregnant when we had almost given up on the idea of another child. Then we get thrown another curve ball when I got quite sick and Isaac had to be delivered 9 weeks early. As hard as this was we got through it and the chocolate was sweeter because of it, we made some ownderful friends with nurses and Drs and the sweetness will continue. Enjoy the unexpected, you don't need a list of what the chocolates are take and one and enjoy the unexpected.
Waffle, waffle, waffle LOL
Easter fun
We had a lovely Easter. Kind of quiet but busy at the same time. We had no plans for the weekend but ended up seeing people and doing things every day, so nice. We did an easter egg hunt for the boys on Sunday morning and it was so cute watching Isaac with his first hunt. He LOVED the chocolate so much he didn't want to let it go. Now he even knows that the chocolate is in the fridge and takes me by the hand to get some when HE wants it! LOL.
We also spent the weekend getting Isaac to sleep better at night. With all the changes he has had over the past few months he had got into a bad habit of waking a few times in the night and expecting a bottle. It was really affecting me and my mood. I had to convince Steve that my grumpiness was that and not that I was upset at him, boy sometimes he is too much of a SNAG. Anyway, last night Isaac woke at 10.30pm had a cuddle put back down and slept right through until 6.30am, YAY the hard work paid off.
Scrapbooking is a little on the backburner. I find the holidays too hard to do much, and especially when I have my bro and his GF coming next week and she is a huge clean freak. Not that my house is anywhere near unclean but I am worried because of a run in I had with her recently. As for scrapbooking I did do a page yesterday and I am so pleased becasue I used some stuff I have had sitting around since I was in the States. I don't LOVE the oage but it is nice enough, will post a pic later.
I will post some pics now of the boys over the weekend. Enjoy!

We also spent the weekend getting Isaac to sleep better at night. With all the changes he has had over the past few months he had got into a bad habit of waking a few times in the night and expecting a bottle. It was really affecting me and my mood. I had to convince Steve that my grumpiness was that and not that I was upset at him, boy sometimes he is too much of a SNAG. Anyway, last night Isaac woke at 10.30pm had a cuddle put back down and slept right through until 6.30am, YAY the hard work paid off.
Scrapbooking is a little on the backburner. I find the holidays too hard to do much, and especially when I have my bro and his GF coming next week and she is a huge clean freak. Not that my house is anywhere near unclean but I am worried because of a run in I had with her recently. As for scrapbooking I did do a page yesterday and I am so pleased becasue I used some stuff I have had sitting around since I was in the States. I don't LOVE the oage but it is nice enough, will post a pic later.
I will post some pics now of the boys over the weekend. Enjoy!

Saturday, 7 April 2007

I found a link to this blog her space they put a word a day and the challenge is to take a photo with that word prompt around 'your space'. I have alot of catching up to do but I started with this one from 2 days ago. It is going to be fun to look around me nore and enjoy the little things in 'my space'
Stamina, gotta have stamina!
It is 1.15am and I am trying to get Isaac to sleep without giving him a bottle. Do you know how hard it is to listen to your baby cry and know that the best thing is to let him? He isn't screaming and he isn't pulling a full on tantrum. He just cries a little then stops, cries a little then stops. It has been a while and I go in and give him a cuddle every few minutes but as soon as I put him back in bed he starts up again, I feel this could be a long night. So here I am on my blog passing the time in the middle of the night. I hope I get a sleep in in the morning! Only problem with that is the in-laws are coming tomorrow and I need to vacuum, plus Steve is planning on playing a round of golf early in the morning.
But on a nicer note here are a few photos taken recently of my gorgeous boys!

But on a nicer note here are a few photos taken recently of my gorgeous boys!

Wednesday, 4 April 2007
One for Aussie Scrapjacked

A new fun blog with challenges. I have become a bit of a challenge junkie. It is great to get the creative juices flowing and maybe try a technique I might not have otherwise done.
With this layout I did sewing which I have been wanting to do but just not! Well it was quite an amusing experience really. I don't have a proper sewing machine so while in the States I got a very small craft sewing machine. Cost me all of $10 I think. So I thought this was the perfect opportunity to give iot a go...........what a joke that piece of ....... is! So my sister came back in the evening with her sewing machine just so I could get it done, I was on a roll and I wanted to finish it. So the little $10 is going to be donated somewhere else!
Latest and greatest
Here are a couple of my latest layouts. I am pretty happy with how my layouts are turning out at the moment. I like the colours and the stories I am getting down. Thanks to my sister I have done more pages in the last few weeks than I have done in the last couple of years. She puts me to shame really! She has just started scrapbooking and is already up to the same number as me and I have been scrapping for 3 years! Anyway without further ado 2 new layouts.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Squishy Peas
Isaac is growing up too fast! But I did get some great photos to scrap. Last night he decided to try peas. He ate a few but then played with them. It was so cute seeing his cute pudgy baby fingers finding the little bright green balls and squishy it so it popped and squirted.

He also wanted to feed himself his sausage, that is also a first and another cute photo snapping future scrapping moment!

Keep an eye on the blog, tomorrow I am going to put some pics of my latest layouts.

He also wanted to feed himself his sausage, that is also a first and another cute photo snapping future scrapping moment!

Keep an eye on the blog, tomorrow I am going to put some pics of my latest layouts.
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